Friday, October 12, 2007

thing # 17

I think now the sandbox thing is done, so I posting this as a double verification.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

thing # 23

This experience was valuable in that it forced me to confront some technology I have been avoiding. It's out there, it's here, and this has helped me overcome a lot of blocks I put up. I plan on reviewing a lot of the material later in depth. Thanks for this!

thing # 22

I looked at Project Gutenberg and I am amazed at how many people use downloadable books. In one sense, I decry their loss of the experience of holding a big, fat book full of promise and things to come, to paraphrase a well-known novel, "How Green Was My Valley." On the other hand, I see that need seems to surpass the esthetic, as so many of the authors tapped are classic authors, so obviously, students must be using this to get reading list books. The whole downloadable thing is still a bit of a mystery to me and I will explore this further, as many of our patrons ask about this.

thing # 21

Podcasts seem pretty hit and miss. I did find this teen book review podcast that looks pretty helpful in a library setting and could serve as a model for teens.

thing #20

You tube. I explored it. It is addictive. This would be great for library websites to use to get people to explore them more.

thing # 19

Reading other people's travel blogs was a disappointment. I would much rather read a well-done travel book and get proper information. Still, some things might be worth exploring.

thing # 18

I set up a googledoc account and finally figured it was down to me to put something in it. (oh, what a steep learning curve I am on!) So I wrote up a test doc on London pubs, and saved and closed it out. Not sure if I really want to give out this vital information as there is nothing nicer than a QUIET pub, and should the word get out about these gems, they will not be QUIET any more, although these pubs are really famous. Clue: Thames.

thing # 17

Someone stole the sandbox page I need to add my blog to the favorites log page. I had Angela helping me and she says that link page is not there; perhaps someone inadvertently wiped it out.
So I did go to Sandbox, and I tried!

thing # 16

First of all, it should be "wikki's". The way it is spelled now technically would result in being pronounced why-kai.

I am not a fan of wikis in that anyone can purport expertise on a subject....people tend to think if it is printed, it is true. However, I can see the benefit for library use by letting patrons add book reviews. This would be great!

thing # 15

These were very interesting articles on the libraries of the future. It really made me aware of the changes on our doorstep, particularly the idea that collections may not grow physically, but electronically. Information is available from so many sources easily tapped by the public. What is the trick is that somehow this vast array of information needs to be tamed for practical library use.

thing # 14

Who has time for Technorati? Why would you want to spend time looking at pointless blogs? It would be like me calling random people in the phone book because their name sounds interesting. Blogging is a real phenomenon, but someone needs to look at the big picture and what impact blogs will eventually have on the world.

thing # 13

This seems to be a method of organizing online "clippings". This would drive me crazy, spending so much time organizing information when it seems it would be easier to tap that info when I need it. However, it does have some interesting links and if you had the time, it could be fun to pursue further.

thing #12

Rollyo seems like a convoluted way to find or organize the websites you like. However, it seems like more work than it's worth.

thing # 11

The Library Thing is absolutely wonderful. A bibliophile's dream. Found all kinds of new stuff. Will definitely use this later.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

thing #10 online image generator

I think this link is a generator. I sure had fun with this one. Vicarious travel, to say the least! Pubs of London, here I come!

thing no. 9 merlin account

here is my Merlin acct. info

thing #9

I set up a Merlin account and here it is. Now that I know what the feed icon looks like, I am noticing it all the time. It is a great filter!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

about bloglines

Bloglines are interesting but a little complex. It is basically a good service.

Thing #8

Now this RSS feeder thing is really practical. I can set up my own commercial-free web notebook.

thing number 7 looney lunar tides

Why do we have to have tides?
Why are some tides longer and higher than others and why is this related to the phase of the moon?
I find this particularly challenging because it directly affects when I can get on my boat. If only the tide would stay up (high)...

thing #6 Flicker Trading Card

Thanks to Megan, I think I have completed thing no. 6! I have my very own Dickens trading card--wouldn't he have loved it!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Thing #2

Well, I did the second thing--I think! I read the 7 1/2 learning habits and can say that the most difficult habit for me on the list is the ability to view problems as challenges. But I am getting over this, as more and more I see that why kill yourself over worrying about things--this is just a chance to have a new adventure. ha! (like what the heck am I going to do with a 27 foot sailboat in the winter?)

The easiest learning habit for me is probably creating my own learning toolbox, though this is kind of euphemistic language! I have no problem gathering books and materials needed to study. I am the ultimate packrat and that extends to STUFF.

So there, I think by writing this I am completing thing no. 2, though my biggest gripe is that the directions for this are extremely muddled. Just venting haha.